Recently, my colleague Brad Orluk and I participated in a Nintex Ask the Experts webinar (Click on the link to watch the July ’14 Webinar). This is where we go through a number of questions that were submitted prior to the webinar and also through some of the live questions we receive. One very interesting […]
There is a common property in Nintex Workflow called Current Time. This is actually something inherited from SharePoint. There are also two other item properties to do with time, Created and Modified. All of these properties only give you the hours and minutes for the time, not the number of seconds. Sometimes, the seconds are […]
An interesting topic of conversation came up the other day, which was using Nintex Workflow in a Database creation request list in SharePoint. The idea was to have a list in SharePoint where a user would create an item by filling in some form. It would be a user requesting a database be generated for them […]
This scenario has come across my table a few times. I want to know all the workflows that are currently in progress in my Site Collection. I may need to terminate them. Or I may need to terminate and restart them. If you have Nintex Workflow with an Enterprise License, there is a report called […]
I had a proof of concept recently that required me to look into starting workflows from SQL Server. It’s an interesting idea which I’d never played around with before. I’ve done development inside SQL, and have created plenty of Stored Procedures, but I’ve never had to deal with communicating outside of SQL itself. The following […]
A situation recently arose, where someone wanted to schedule a Nintex Workflow on the 3rd Monday of every month. Out-of-the-box, there really isn’t a way to do this, because the user interface for configuring the schedule of a workflow only allows you to schedule it every ‘n’ number of hours, days or months. I guess […]
Database Connection StringsLDAP PathsWeb service URLsExchange URLsUser Credentials When moving Nintex Workflow workflows from one environment, such as QA or Development, to another environment such as Production, the above things most likely will change. Most companies will design their workflows, and then after testing and approval, they will move the workflow to Production. What they […]
Interesting title for a blog entry right? Inline Functions in Nintex Workflow really enhance the product, without having to go to the complexity of creating a custom Nintex Workflow action. Granted, this only works with static methods that return a value such as a string or integer. The one caveat, is that you may need […]
Time to get back into the blogging, if only to keep my mind fresh and to keep track of what I find in my geeking. After some talks with a friend of mine last night, we decided to check out PostgreSQL, seeing as for a simple application, MSSQL Express was taking up way too much […]