The idea behind this process, is that we want to have an order Nintex form that has a repeating section with order items in it. Those order items, we want to appear in another list. An Order Items list. There are a few caveats here. We want to make sure that if you go back […]
Some people have asked me why Delegation is not an option. Unfortunately, there’s a limitation that was found in SharePoint Online, where there doesn’t seem to be permissions on tasks that are generated by a workflow. This pretty much removes the idea of delegation, since anyone is able to respond to a task that is […]
I really enjoy building out processes that not many people think of doing, even manually, but having an automated process can really save a company money. This process came from the fact that many companies are sending a lot of employees to the Worldwide Partner Conference ’15 in Orlando. Since a lot of the employees […]
Recently, my colleague Brad Orluk and I participated in a Nintex Ask the Experts webinar (Click on the link to watch the July ’14 Webinar). This is where we go through a number of questions that were submitted prior to the webinar and also through some of the live questions we receive. One very interesting […]
On June 6th, 2014, Nintex released a few new actions for Nintex Workflow for Office 365. These are some great actions and I’m really looking forward to all the different things I can do with workflow design. The new actions are: 1. Start Workflow – this will allow you to start list and site workflows […]
Some of you may have noticed that SharePoint doesn’t give you the option to start workflows on Surveys. The workaround is to have a scheduled workflow that periodically checks for new survey responses. Designing that into a Nintex Workflow is actually quite simple… as with most things with Nintex Workflow. Initial Requirements Since the plan […]
For those that haven’t used SharePoint Document Sets before, here’s a good introduction to it : Introduction to Document Sets In Nintex Workflow, to query for documents in a document set, you use a Query List action. I’ve found the easiest way to do this, is to add a Query List action to your workflow, configure […]
The question of Empty Date fields in SharePoint and how to use them in Nintex Workflow seems to come up often. It’s something I probably should have posted about before, but it kept slipping my mind. Today, I got asked by a user if i could write something about it, since it has the potential of […]
In contrast to the Nintex Workflow Request Data action, which only supports getting data from a single user, the Assign a ToDo Task can assign tasks to many users. Often, you may have a single Assign a ToDo Task action, assigning tasks to several people. For this example, lets say it’s 3 people. This action […]
How would you go about automating copying all folders and their files from one Document Library to another using Nintex Workflow? SharePoint exposes 2 web services that help us here. The Lists and Copy web services. The Lists web service lets us query the source document library using the GetListItems web method and find out […]