Nintex Workflow Cloud – Math Power Component Workflow
It seems that periodically, I work on workflows that require me to do some calculations. Nintex Workflow Cloud has a Calculate a Value action. It can do the base calculations, like Add, Substract, Multiple and Divide. But these base operations allow you to build more complex formulas, should the need arise. I had that need recently, where I need to perform a Power calculation. Since this is something I’ll be potentially using in the future, rather than building it into the workflow, I put it into a Component Workflow, so that it is reusable.
It takes 2 input parameters : Base and Exponent => BaseExponent
It returns the value in a “Result” field.
Import Workflow Key – m8nyDbVoRWkPif8zhx936ixXb6hczNabnFBYaq6vqFcsRQtYi
Here’s the Design.
Here’s how to call it from another workflow, using the Call a Workflow action.