Nintex Workflow Cloud – Salesforce Accounts Created in the Last Week
This is another way of thinking about a workflow, in Nintex Workflow Cloud, that may help automate your business.
The idea behind this workflow is that it is a weekly scheduled workflow. Each week it will look for accounts created in the last week in Salesforce. Although the workflow here talks to Salesforce, there’s no reason it can’t talk to Dynamics CRM, Google Drive, Box, etc…
It’s interesting the different types of workflows that you can build in this environment. So many other possibilities.
Let me know if you have some cool ideas as I’d be very interested in hearing about them.
e67b5f82d78140ada644bc4d305913c5 – The workflow key that you can use to import the workflow in your Nintex Workflow Cloud tenant.
Blog – How to Import a workflow in Nintex Workflow Cloud