Nintex Workflow – PowerShell Find All Workflows Part 1
There are times when you need to find all your workflows in your entire farm. Nintex Workflow installs a command line tool named NWAdmin.exe on the server where you initially ran the MSI. It’s usually located in c:\Program Files\Nintex\Nintex Workflow 2010 (or 2007 if you are on that product).
NWAdmin has a number of operations, but for this post we are interested in the -o FindWorkflows operation. It iterates through the farm and outputs the site, list and workflowname.
The output looks like this:
Active at http://ntx-vadim3:10000
— First List
—- 3 Child Actions Workflow
—- AutoWorkflow1
—- Dont Log Workflow
—- Dummy Actions Workflow
—- First UDA Workflow
—- First Workflow
—- For Each with 1 Action Workflow
—- ForEach 10 Iterations Workflow
—- ForEach 100 Iterations Workflow
—- ForEach 1000 Iterations Workflow
—- TriState Machine Workflow
It’s a nice format and quite legible.
The goal here, is to parse this information so that we can eventually do something with it.
I wrote the following PowerShell script that will run the NWAdmin command, then parse the output so that later one, we can extend the script to do more interesting things.
[IO.Directory]::SetCurrentDirectory((Convert-Path (Get-Location -PSProvider FileSystem)))
# check if we are in the same location as the nwadmin.exe
# find all the workflows and store them in a variable
$foundworkflows = .\nwadmin -o FindWorkflows
foreach($line in $foundworkflows)
if($line.StartsWith(“Active at “))
# get the site url
$site = $line.Replace(“Active at “,””);
if($line.StartsWith(“– “))
# get the list name
$list = $line.Replace(“– “,””);
if($line.StartsWith(“—- “))
# get the workflow name
$workflowname = $line.Replace(“—- “,””);
$message = “{0} – {1} – {2}” -f $site,$list,$workflowname;
echo $message;
echo “NWAdmin doesn’t exist. Change directory to where NWAdmin.exe lives.”;
In the script, later on, we will replace the lines :
$message = “{0} – {1} – {2}” -f $site,$list,$workflowname;
echo $message;
With something a little more useful.
The output of the above script is :
http://ntx-vadim3:10000 – First List – 3 Child Actions Workflow
http://ntx-vadim3:10000 – First List – AutoWorkflow1
http://ntx-vadim3:10000 – First List – Dont Log Workflow
http://ntx-vadim3:10000 – First List – Dummy Actions Workflow
http://ntx-vadim3:10000 – First List – First UDA Workflow
http://ntx-vadim3:10000 – First List – First Workflow
http://ntx-vadim3:10000 – First List – For Each with 1 Action Workflow
http://ntx-vadim3:10000 – First List – ForEach 10 Iterations Workflow
http://ntx-vadim3:10000 – First List – ForEach 100 Iterations Workflow
http://ntx-vadim3:10000 – First List – ForEach 1000 Iterations Workflow
http://ntx-vadim3:10000 – First List – TriState Machine Workflow
You need to run this script in the folder that contains the NWAdmin.exe or modify the script.