This video described how I went about putting together a workflow in Nintex Workflow Cloud, to find all the files in a Box folder, iterate through them, and extract a particular piece of Custom Metadata. In the example, it’s about pulling a date from that metadata. I had to do something special to then convert […]
The idea behind this process, is that we want to have an order Nintex form that has a repeating section with order items in it. Those order items, we want to appear in another list. An Order Items list. There are a few caveats here. We want to make sure that if you go back […]
This is the first post, post Nintex InspireX. I was actually quite surprised at how awesome the first InspireX event was last year. But this one was so much better. The only thing I would do to make it better, is make it an extra day. I felt like I had no time to breathe, […]
Parsing collections is often used in Nintex Workflows. I showed it here in an old blog post – Iterate through Related Collections. But what came up recently, was reverse parsing collections. That was an interesting challenge, since what I didn’t want to do, is use a Loop action. Why? Because a Loop is affected by Safe […]
This comes up fairly regularly, so it was a good time to post about this. Especially after an exciting and inspiring Nintex InspireX User Conference. I’m talking about the ability for a workflow to query a SharePoint calendar, and get recurring events. There was a lot of searching online to find a way to create […]
When you copy an item in SharePoint to another list, you lose the workflow history. The main reason, is that the workflows that ran on the original item, don’t exist in the destination list. Workflow history is linked to a specific workflow instance. The process described in this post, is about getting the workflow history from […]
Although the Nintex Workflow Collection Operation action has a Remove Duplicates option, it removes the duplicates, but keeps the original. So if you have something like this: 1,2,2,3,4,4,5 You result would be : 1,2,3,4,5 What I want, is for the duplicates and their originals to be removed. Resulting in this : 1,3,5 (I don’t want […]
I really enjoy building out processes that not many people think of doing, even manually, but having an automated process can really save a company money. This process came from the fact that many companies are sending a lot of employees to the Worldwide Partner Conference ’15 in Orlando. Since a lot of the employees […]
An interesting scenario came by my desk, where someone wanted to take attachments from the current item, move them to a document library in SharePoint, and then delete those attachments, so that there weren’t duplicate files. A great scenario that Nintex Workflow is perfect for. This is scenario that I think many of you have […]
Assigning tasks to users, sending out reminders, having escalation of tasks via delegation, these are all great concepts and available in Nintex Workflow out of the box. Although waiting on users to respond is one way of building your workflow process and is actually the most common, there is another concept to look into. It […]