Nintex Forms Nintex Reporting Nintex Workflow

Nintex – PowerShell SharePoint Commands

Here are some commonly requested Nintex related PowerShell commands. Find all the Nintex features, their Guids and Scope, order by Scope. Get-SPFeature | where{$_.DisplayName -like “Nintex*”} | sort -Property Scope Find all the Nintex features, order by DisyplayName. Get-SPFeature | where{$_.DisplayName -like “Nintex*”} | sort -Property DisplayName Find a specific Nintex feature (eg. NintexWorkflowAdmin) Get-SPFeature […]

Nintex Reporting Nintex Workflow

Nintex Workflow – Approval Workflow for a new Nintex Reporting Report Page/Dashboard

In my previous blog article – Nintex Reporting – Creating your Dashboard , I talked about creating a new Nintex Reporting dashboard that focused on Activity reports. In this article, I’ll talk about creating a Nintex Workflow so that we can get approval form our manager to see if the new Dashboard (or Report page) […]

Nintex Reporting

Nintex Reporting – Creating your Dashboard

Nintex Reporting comes with 6 Dashboards out of the box, targeted at specific company roles.1. Implementation Manager2. IT Manager3. Knowledge Manager4. Records Manager5. Search Manager6. System Administrator These dashboards are not only editable, but you can also create custom dashboards, and put on whatever report charts or grids that you feel would be relevant on […]