Nintex Workflow – Enable the Nintex Workflow Feature on all Subsites
I recently encountered a question about how to automatically enable the Nintex Workflow Site Feature on all the subsites under a root site in a Site Collection. This isn’t the first time it has been asked of me, so I thought I’d create a simple PowerShell script to do it.
It’s not complex. It just recursively goes through all the sites under a particular site.
$web = get-spweb http://ntx-vadim3
function EnableNintexWorkflowSiteFeature( $w )
$ws = $w.Webs;
foreach( $subweb in $ws)
echo 'Enabling Nintex Workflow on site : ' $w.Url
Enable-SPFeature NintexWorkflowWeb -url $w.Url
echo 'Enabling Nintex Workflow on site : ' + $web.Url
EnableNintexWorkflowSiteFeature $web
The PowerShell script currently needs to be updated, since I’ve hardcoded the url. But it’s easily updated to run on your site. You could also make it take a parameter but I haven’t done so here, since I’m writing this at 1am.
Open the SharePoint Management Shell.
Navigate to the folder where you put the script.
Run it like this:
It should be an easy update if you want to disable the site feature.
Nintex Workflow 2010 : v2.3.5.0
Download the Enable Nintex Workflow on all Subsites PowerShell Script