What an exciting move by Nintex and K2. Two powerhouses in the business process automation space, will now be one. Customers and partners will benefit greatly from this expanded set of tools to help them automate and improve on their processes. < Click here to read more > It’s a very exciting move. Companies will […]
You may have seen this message popup in your SharePoint Online environment. There was a time when a lot of the current SharePoint Online customers, were actually on-prem. As they started to see the benefits to moving their operations online, they needed a quick migration. Minimal time and resources, which included, moving across processes. Some of […]
It seems that periodically, I work on workflows that require me to do some calculations. Nintex Workflow Cloud has a Calculate a Value action. It can do the base calculations, like Add, Substract, Multiple and Divide. But these base operations allow you to build more complex formulas, should the need arise. I had that need […]
One of the exciting updates to Nintex Workflow Cloud recently, is the support for complex objects. To make things easier to deal with those objects, Nintex put in a few smarts, and that has resulted in a few cool features that other actions inherit. In this case, it’s the Loop for Each action. Where as […]
I’m all about making this faster and finding different ways to accomplish tasks. In this case, I had a need to process data in a spreadsheet. I also wanted to check a flag when the process was completed. In some cases, the process wouldn’t be completed, so I needed to leave the flag as is. […]
Over the years, one of the biggest hurdles that I’ve encountered, is the need to add apps across many SharePoint Online sites. Microsoft hasn’t provided a way to do this. Many people have looked into PowerShell, but there just never seemed to be a way to do it. In a recent conversation with one company, […]