Nintex Workflow PowerShell

Nintex Workflow – PowerShell Find Actions in a Workflow Part 6

A new addition to the PowerShell script for Nintex Workflow that I’ve been working on, so that you can get a report of the total number of actions in a workflow and also how many times each type of action is used. The usage is quite simple:  .\AllWorkflows.ps1 -nwoperation FindActionsInWorkflow -nwlogin domain\username -nwpassword password -nwworkflow “workflowname” […]

Nintex Forms Nintex Reporting Nintex Workflow

Nintex – PowerShell SharePoint Commands

Here are some commonly requested Nintex related PowerShell commands. Find all the Nintex features, their Guids and Scope, order by Scope. Get-SPFeature | where{$_.DisplayName -like “Nintex*”} | sort -Property Scope Find all the Nintex features, order by DisyplayName. Get-SPFeature | where{$_.DisplayName -like “Nintex*”} | sort -Property DisplayName Find a specific Nintex feature (eg. NintexWorkflowAdmin) Get-SPFeature […]